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Airport EV Charging: Meeting the Coming Demand


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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By Tami Timperio, VP Marketing, NovaCHARGE


Whether it’s sustainability efforts or increases in EV adoption, more and more airports, both international and regional, are beginning to consider installing EV charging stations. And not to say you should keep up with the airport “Joneses” but when travelers have airport options, finding an airport with EV charging stations is becoming increasingly important.

For airports, EV charging demands mean big business too. In fact, market research suggests the airport EV charging market is expected to generate $4.1 billion (with a B) dollars by 2031.

The demand is there, but is it being met?

There are nearly 5,200 public airports in the United States with most major airports now offering some version of EV charging. That wasn’t always the case.

Airport EV charging station density is similar to what we see in other areas– making improvements but not quite there yet. EV drivers arriving at airports, hoping to charge while away or while they wait, reserve charging stations, or top up before they head home, may struggle to find available EV charging stations.

Implementing an Airport EV Charging Solution

As with any other EV charging station implementation, airports need to start with a few important decisions. The first? Determining the best locations for charging stations.

Airport EV Charging Locations

For airports, there are the standard considerations for site selection including (but not limited to):

  • Demand
  • Sustainability goals
  • Enough parking in a specific lot
  • Power/Infrastructure access
  • Space for hardware
  • Station placement would not block or impede snow removal or large vehicles
  • Easy in and out access (for heavy traffic)

There are, however, additional location considerations:

  • Which airport parking lots will you use:
    • Rental car lots
    • Cell phone lots
    • Rideshare/taxi lots
    • Employee parking
    • Short term parking
    • Long term parking
    • Shuttle bus lots
    • Ground service equipment lots
  • Proximity to rental car companies with EV rental fleets
  • Will parking structures need charging stations?
  • Is there infrastructure that may prevent network communications?

Beyond location, airport EV charging requires more logistics than other locations.

Other Logistics for Airport EV Charging

As we all know, fast charging puts an extra strain on the power grid and airports already require a significant amount of power. Not only does this mean infrastructure upgrades are likely necessary or forthcoming, but EV charging program oversight is essential.

Before engaging with any EVSE provider, ensuring they have a charging platform management system (CPMS) robust enough to help you analyze usage, manage power loads, create flexible fee structures, and assist with monitoring station performance is vital.

Given the demands, the variety of potential EV drivers who need access and, potentially, their role in airport operations, having full visibility into your charging network can help all stakeholders manage usage, adapt policies or procedures, and determine needs for expansion.

Similarly, EV charging station maintenance will need to be monitored to ensure reliability and performance. You can simplify this by selecting an EVSE provider with a strong warranty and ongoing support, but you’ll still want networked machines that can be regularly monitored.

The final destination is clear, EVs and EV charging will be essential components of airport amenities moving forward and, for rental companies situated at airports, the future is already here. The only question is whether you’re on board.

We’re ready to help, so reach out to our team today and let’s take the next steps to an EV charging future at your airport.


This article was provided by a third party and, as such, the views expressed therein and/or presented are their own and may not represent or reflect the views of Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA), its management, Board, or members. Readers should not act on the basis of any information contained in the blog without referring to applicable laws and regulations and/or without appropriate professional advice.

The post Airport EV Charging: Meeting the Coming Demand appeared first on Airports Council International - North America.
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